I support strong conservative, pro-family and prolife values.
Why am I running?
There comes a time when one gets backed into a corner and has to fight or succumb. Conservative, pro-family, and pro-life values are continually under assault by the democrat left, and I intend to take a stand.
Who am I?
I moved to New Hampshire with my family in 1994 because NH had a reputation for living up to its motto, CONSERVATIVE! I have been happily married to my wife Jacki for over 37 years. I have three adult children. I am not perfect by any means, but I do my best to live my Christian faith, which teaches each person is valued by God and has inherent dignity because He created each person as a unique and special person. I drink Black Rifle coffee which should tip you off where I stand regarding the Second Amendment.
What are my qualifications?
First, I am not a career politician. I have worked as an Electrical Engineer in the semiconductor test industry all my adult life. I have had a successful career supporting and growing a startup company as a direct report to the Vice President and Chief Technical Officer. I am recognized as one of the top technology leaders in my industry segment. As such, I have years of experience working as a Manager and with other Executives. I am a solid fiscal conservative. I have spoken before the New Hampshire legislature on critical family and life issues.